Alain De Assis Rosa (1974), Owner of Doubleshot Coffee & Tea, born in South Africa. married with 2 boys, been in the coffee industry for the last decade. came into it initially via tea.

How do you take your coffee?

Espresso, cappuccino, flat white, pour over, cold brew, moka, syphon, french press.

How many coffee cups do you drink on an average day?

5, on average.

Do you have an espresso machine at home and if so, what model?

None at home, at work we have a 3 group linea.

Do you have a favorite Single-origin coffee?

Keeps changing. i would say one of my favorites has been Guatamala Finca El Injerto.

Do you enjoy having your coffee with pastry alongside, and if so, what is it?

Not really.

What was the most unusual or experimental coffee you tasted?

Nitro cold brew.

What is your favorite coffee shop and what makes it enjoyable?

Stumptown – for the coffee itself. doubleshot – its my roastery, so got to love it.

From your experience, what is the most important factor when it comes to making good coffee?

A barista who understands, and cares.

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