“I think that Israel’s relationship with the Diaspora is generous, despite the fact that diaspora Jewry, particularly American, is betraying Israel.“
The Interviewee – Gloria Z. Greenfield (Born 1950), President, Doc Emet Productions (producer/director of Body and Soul – The State of the Jewish Nation, Unmasked Judeophobia; and producer of The Case for Israel – Democracy’s Outpost) Also, artist-in-residence at University of Tennessee/Knoxville. I am a documentary filmmaker with the mission of producing and distributing educational films that strengthen Jewish identity, Jewish nationhood and the values of freedom and democracy.
Born in 1950 in Coney Island, moved to Long Island in 1955, moved to Boston 1974, moved to Knoxville in 2016.
In your opinion, what importance, if any, does the existence of a Jewish state have to you personally and to Jewish people in general?
“The land of Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people, and has been for more than 3500 years. The foundational texts of Judaism, including liturgy, is the prooftext for the fact that the land of Israel is the center of Jewish identity. I was raised as a Zionist and I’ve raised my children to be Zionists. While I am not living in Israel, my life’s work is committed to strengthening Jewish identity and Jewish nationhood.”
Do you feel committed in some way to defend the future existence of Israel?
“I feel fully committed to the defense of the state of Israel.”
Do you affiliate yourself with a specific denomination in Judaism? What is your view regarding the dominance of the Orthodox denomination in Israel religious establishment?
“I reluctantly affiliate with the Conservative movement. I say ‘reluctantly’ because I am disgusted by the young rabbis who are graduating from the Conservative seminaries (and I am even more disgusted by the rabbis graduating from HUC). I think the healthiest religious segment in Israel is that of religious Zionists. I have a problem with the segments of the Haredi movement that don’t support Zionism.“
Do you feel morally responsible for Israel’s actions (such as its management of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
“I am more proud of Israel’s actions than I am of the actions of any other nation in the world.”
In your opinion, what is the main thing Israelis fail to understand about the reality of being Jewish outside of Israel?
“Israelis are just now starting to understand the reality of antisemitism in the world and the role that antisemitism plays in hatred towards Israel.”
How would you describe Israel’s policy (formally and in practice) regarding its relationship with the Diaspora?
“I think that Israel’s relationship with the Diaspora is generous, despite the fact that diaspora Jewry, particularly American, is betraying Israel.”
In your opinion, does Israel have an obligation to defend and help Jewish communities in need?
“Of course. All Jews have a responsibility to defend and help Jewish communities in need.”
Have you ever been to Israel? if you have, can you summarize your impression from the Israeli reality?
“I try to go at least twice/year. I’m 65. I love Israel. I feel alive there in a way that I don’t feel anywhere else.”
Can you tell us a bit about the Jewish community in your hometown? Is it organized? Are there any community activities?
“I was born and raised in New York, but moved to Boston in 1974 for graduate school and stayed in Boston until January 2016. Boston’s Jewish community in general is left of center, very concerned with political correctness. Both very actively engaged in issues related to Israel. In January 2016 my husband and I moved to Knoxville, Tennessee. There are approximately 1500 Jews in Knoxville. I am still in process of assessing the nature of the Jewish community.”